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While it seems like her adventures have so far been quite fulfilling, there is no way things are going to stop there for Squash.

2016 thus seems as busy and exciting as 2015 and previous years were.

Looking ahead

Taking a look further than a few months has however never been a thing for Squash. 

« You know, people have asked me about five-year plans before, and I’m never been one to say ‘Oh yeah look at this, this is my five-year plan, this is exactly what I’m gonna be doing.’ What I hope to do is just continue living a life that makes me ultimately happy, that is go on adventures, share things with my friends and family, meet new people, help people and share my story. I don’t know if it sounds like ‘a plan’, but it’s definitely my plan for the coming years. »

In the short term, she’ll be in Tignes for some weeks before going up north to Svalbard.

« I’m going to relax a bit, just stay around there for a bit. »

Wait. Relax, really?

« Yeah, I mean so far I just have some filming and skiing planned. »

I was relieved.


When time had come for Squash to get back to her car and drive all the way up to Basingstoke, she still felt like she could leave a little message to anyone that might be getting some form of inspiration from her work.


And here you go.